Registration NOW OPEN for Everyone!

School Year Tutoring Program (Ages 6-18)

Todd Martin Youth Leadership's Tutoring Program works with youth ages 6-18 to improve or maintain their academic success by providing help with homework, additional academic support where needed, including access to online learning programs, and SAT prep. In addition, participants will engage in life skills lessons that focus on self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

TMYL will be provided both in-person and virtually. TMYL will assess the needs of the participant and pair them with a tutor that will best meet his/her needs.

The in-person program will meet on Mondays and Thursdays at Letts Community Center from 3:30-5:30pm.

For the virtual program, the assigned tutor will coordinate with the parent/guardian of the registered child to determine mutually-agreed upon days and times for tutoring. All participants will receive 2 hours of 1:1 tutoring a week.

Certified educators oversee the program.


Winter/Spring 2023 tutoring will take place January 8th - May 30th during the weekly days/times indicated above based on in-person or virtual preferences. The program will not meet on 1/15, 2/19, 3/25, 3/28, 5/27.

Fees: $135/Lansing Resident; $200/Non-Lansing Resident

In-Person Tutoring: Registration #240670A

Virtual Tutoring: Registration #240670AA

By registering your child for this program, you are granting Todd Martin Youth Leadership permission to use your child’s likeness in a photograph/video or comments/quotations made by your child or yourself about the program in any and all of its publications, including website entries, without payment or any other considerations. If you do not grant this permission, please contact Rebecca Johnson at   

If you cannot afford the cost and need help, please contact TMYL’s Tutoring Director. 

Lansing Parks and Rec Cancellation Policy:

Up to one week prior to class/program, full refund less $5.00 service charge. Less than one week prior to first class or program, but before second class/program, one half refund less $5.00 service charge. After second class, no refunds.