About Lunch Time Tennis:
TMYL seeks to provide students in the Lansing School District with athletic and life experiences that foster educational gains and favorable youth development.
During Lunch Time Tennis, TMYL coaches come to the school with mini nets, small racquets and low compression balls and play tennis with students during their lunch recess time while integrating life skills and leadership themes.
For the 2022-2023 school year, TMYL provides Lunch Time Tennis/Mid-Day Movers programming 14+ hours a week at a variety of schools including Riddle Elementary, Cavanaugh Elementary and Gardner International Magnet School.
The Impact of Lunch Time Tennis:

In an August 23, 2016 article for the Washington Post, Valerie Strauss writes, “Many urban, low-income children have limited play opportunities outside of school, which makes in-school playtime even more vital for them. But what studies now show is that the children who need play the most in the early years of school get the least.” TMYL wants to partner with schools in the LSD to provide more play opportunities for their students in order to improve academic and life outcomes for students in Lansing.