2024 in Review
What parents & participants are saying
“TMYL’s culture of inclusion makes it a comfortable place for so many families; we feel loved, cared for and respected. Through TMYL programs, our children learn about so many aspects of life- they're growing up with a very strong background and life skills to direct them to a better life.”
- Zuwena Sandu, TMYL Parent
“They say it takes a village to raise a child and I agree with that! TMYL has been part of our village for generations now! You have cheered us on, encouraged us, and supported us through tennis and life! I think that when my children look back on their childhood, the experiences and relationships they formed through TMYL will be significant in their memories.”
– Emily Baker, TMYL Parent
“The relationships and bonds in the program last through generations. Individuals that were coaches in the past are now sending their kids to TMYL classes. And many of the coaches are former participants as well so that family bond is able to continue for years with those coaches.”
- Berni Garibay, Former Participant & Current Coach
beyond the court
TMYL strives to provide opportunities for participants to gain leadership skills through:
Junior Advisory Board. These TMYL participants (grades 8-12) have shown great leadership and are passionate about making a difference in the lives of their peers and community.
Internships & Job Shadowing. TMYL hosts interns from various disciplines to support their educational pursuits through experience-based learning while leveraging their skills to enhance our organization.
**If you would be willing to have a TMYL participant learn more about what you do or shadow you at work, contact Rebecca Johnson.
Junior Coaches. Taking their time on the court to the next level, some participants (16+) put their responsibility and skill to use helping younger players up their game.
Todd's Team. A competitive pathway for participants to represent TMYL in tournaments, engage in volunteer hours, and give back to the organization through contributions such as mentoring younger participants.